This is a photo from my garden. I spend a lot of time in my garden as I believe that this is the perfect place for reflection.
If we want to truly develop the essential qualities of Noble Leadership then we must devote the time to reflection because it is from this that we can develop Wisdom.
As we all know this is a quality which is in short supply today!!
Within a workplace environment I believe that there are 3 Key Questions that can help us to determine the health of our relationship with our employer-both the individual and the Organisation.
We can also ask of ourselves these 3 Questions to determine our view of our Political leadership. It seems to me that such simple questions can reveal so much.
The first question to ask oneself is this:
Am I proud of the work I do?
The second question to ask oneself is this:
Am I proud of the organisation that employs me?
The last question is this:
Am I proud of my boss or my leader?
We should have a non discriminatory answer to each of these questions. Each answer should only be "yes" or "no". Our responses can be objective if we answer in this fashion but if we start to add more information into our answers such as "I would be proud of my work if only..........." or "I would be proud of my leader if only they would .............."then such answers become very subjective.
Clearly our answers should be a simple "yes" or "no".
Now, if we fail to answer each question with a positive "yes" then we will see that we are becoming disengaged from either our role, our boss or our organisation. If we answer a positive "no" to each question then we have clearly disengaged ourselves from our workplace and the longer that we stay there then the more at risk we become of developing an unhealthy level of stress or anxiety.
Ask yourself these questions and thereby determine your own level of honest integrity regarding your role and your employer.
If you would care to confidentially advise me as to your responses I will be very happy to include the final results in our Workshops.
We could also include "Am I proud of myself as a person?" Am I proud of the work I do?
ReplyDeleteInterested in knowing what others think...